

It turns out it takes a long time to write a good book. I’m on Draft 5 of Spliced Up! The book has been read and reviewed by my critique group writing partners and I’m just starting to get feedback in from my beta readers. Here’s what people are loving so far: all the futuristic stuff, the villains (or people you think are villains Dun dun dun!), and the plot twists. One of my beta readers just told me she read the book again a second time because she loved it so much! That makes me so. dang. HAPPY.

One thing I really want to do is take the word count down. The book was originally 107,000 words long, and I’ve cut 7,000 words using feedback from my betas. But a YA novel really should be shorter–more like 90,000 words at most. I am about halfway through the book, cutting out extra words and scenes. I thought it would be a difficult process to “splice” out those hard-earned sentences, but it is actually oh-so-satisfying in the same way that de-cluttering a room is. I know my process will clean up the book, tighten the plot, and make it an even better read.


SPlCED UP is getting published! The release date is May 7, 2024. I have been working hard behind the scenes on edits and getting this book baby ready to show the world. And I can’t WAIT.

I’ve had to re-read this book a few times during edits. And I don’t like reading books more than once–never have. I’m a novelty junkie. I was worried that reading my own writing over and over would be a little like trying to sratch my own back (it never feels as good). And some of it has been like that, not gonna lie. But also, some of my writing has given me chills (true story), even after the third of fourth read. Some of my plot is so unexpected that it even surprised me here and there. Some of it I cringed at, because honestly my writing has improved since I first wrote it. But some of it–a sentence here or there, a plot point, some clever dialogue or description or a beautiful, profound thought, makes me dang proud and grateful and in awe that I WROTE THIS.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do each time I read it.